viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

P.R. Sarkar-The Awakening of Women

March 8

"With the establishment of male dominance in the society, all power was concentrated in the hands of men. Women were gradually deprived of all their rights – social, cultural, religious, political and economic. Some religious preceptors declared in the name of God that women were inferior to men in all respects and issued many commandments against them. Everyone knows that many litterateurs, philosophers and novelists wrote remarks that degraded women. As a result of all this, on the one hand male lawmakers formulated many social regulations, penal codes and so on against women, and on the other hand women began to curb their own rights by thinking and saying, “We women are weak, we cannot undertake such huge tasks as men; how can we women solve such big and complex problems?” “My God! This is work for men, how can we women accomplish this?” As a result of harbouring such weak thoughts, women lost their self-confidence. You know the proverb, “As you think, so you become.” If one analyses deeply the annals of the past two thousand years in both the East and the West, one sees that women, compared to men, could not achieve any great work in the different spheres of life.
....nothing is permanent in this world. Times are changing; human psychology is also changing; and along with the psychology, the trend of history is also changing. Because history is the expression of collective human psychology. Men today are beginning to realize that women can no longer be treated as commodities. Those days are gone. Women, too, are thinking, “We will no longer remain weak, feeble or inactive. We will no longer passively tolerate injustice, torture, exploitation, insults and hatred at the hands of male exploiters.” The women's liberation movements in the East and West have originated out of this changed collective psychology. The auspicious signs of the awakening of women are clearly visible in every sphere of social life."

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