sábado, 4 de junio de 2016



At least thousands of puertorrican citicens...?, ups... islanders...(sorry). Puertorrican islanders are laughing to dead about alleged news on recognized comunications media in the states that insinuate Sika epydemics in Puerto Rico is as BIG as the Zombie Apocalipse!!? Bull!!! How far from reallity! In Puerto Rico live el Dengue Mosquito but NO thousands of deaths are reported never because of that in any sense. No way! Its sad the malice of someone who's trying to create a false image of Puerto Rico. Or, maybe some multinational pharmaceutical need to sell again a multimillionaire cargo of their "$avior medicine" stock somewhere. Like in the past decade with the deadliests diseases in world history: Chicungunya, Porcina fever, Aviar flu and God knows how many other marketing tricks to steal the very hard to gain money of consumers pockets. How despic... Ups! ... nice are those bussiness men!? Maybe they want to save us from the worst: Zombie Apocalipse? Maybe...!? But you know, Like any other coutry we have the WORST PEST of all...? Bad Polititians!!! ... Yes... the stinky kind!!! ... You know... We have social problems like alcohol abuse, sick people, fast foods, banks, pharmaceutical industry, multinational corporations, broken families, crime, school drop outs, etcetera... (Sorry, I dont want you cry!) Like most of the coutries. At least here we don't buy the papers to hide critical information from public like some "child and animal friendly" like Di$ney or $ea World. Have no fear, come to our island. Visit our beautifull beaches, caves, caverns, beautifull nature like El Yunque federal protected rain forest, the biggest radio telescope of the world in Arecibo, coolest surfinging season in the Caribbean, Cayey Tits Mountais(actually in dispute by two municipalities because each one claims one of the two tits! Jaja) Shameful ja! Sheath happens! =)) Anyways... Come and see our beautifull capital and towns, uncountable hotels, ressorts, ghest houses, coffee shops, sea food/steak house restaurants and bars. Enjoy our traditional festivals about everything you can imagine: fruits, vegetables, animals, historic events and figures. Farmers markets around the island, flea markets, down town's commertial activity, etc. For excercice lovers: 5ks, marathons, triatlons, bicycle races, road and off road, like La Parguera 100k and 50k. A friend of mine almost die bicycling the 50k! Imaging the 100k! Wow, Extreme and insane! Visit us!!! Visit Puerto Rico, the MOST WANTED by tourists around the world! But remember..! At your own risk!  Ja ja. =))

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